iol.Im and iol.Mobi app privacy statement

Who We Are is an application owned by Pixel Industries LTD, a company registered in the Business Register of England and Wales, company number 10551999. Registered office in London, at 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom.
Pixel Industries Ltd have appointed a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted at any time by email at the address or by mail to the address indicated above.

What data is processed by is messenger App reserved for the registered members of a social network for adults. The App offer a messaging service to community members , members can send messages, photo’s, video’s and audio messages. access and its services are permitted to users aged 18 or over only (the minimum registration age is subject to change if the user is resident in a country where the age of majority is reached after 18 years).

To be registered on and use the App, the user is required to fill out a short online registration form, indicating a Nickname, e-mail address (we strongly advise you to create an ad hoc email in order to be completely anonymous), gender identity, date of birth, and city. Additionally, the user may enter other personal details at their preference. The user has full control among their Profile and data enclosed therein, which may be consulted, modified and updated at any time at any time (with the exception of Gender Identity and Nickname) from the "Manage Profile" section, by logging in to It is possible to change Gender Identity and / or your Nickname by contacting Customer Service.

Maximum caution in disclosing personal Profile data is highly advised. To find out more, consult the Regulations and Online Safety Tips. We also encourage users not to disclose e-mail addresses, URLs, instant messaging contacts, phone numbers, full name or address, bank details, identity document numbers, driver's license data or other sensitive Profile information to avoid any abuse or improper use.

Please note: photos and videos published on may accidentally reflect such personal data. Where the user uploads and discloses their sensitive data (thus making them in the public domain), they expressly authorizes us to process these pieces of information.

To ensure maximum security and deliver the best user experience, we require users to verify their account (we want to be sure that they are not robots!). We may also ask to enter a phone number. Yet, there is nothing to worry about! This will only be used by our staff to ensure that the account is made by a real user! We also want to prevent fake accounts from being created that can be used for malicious or cyber-crime activities, ruining the overall experience.

For how long are my data stored on and App?

In the event that the user has not logged in for a period of 12 months, the Profile and all the Contents entered will be deleted. If the user decides to delete the profile using the "edit my profile" function, the effect will be immediate, and all data connected to the user will be permanently deleted. If the cancellation request reaches us by e-mail, we will do our best to do it as soon as possible.

When blocking a Profile or in the case another member blocks the user, it loses the ability to view each other's Profile and sending new messages. In addition, the conversations between the accounts as well as any photos or videos sent or received in the chat are permanently deleted.

All the chat’s involving the Customer Service and the user, will be kept for a longer period, in order to allow continuous staff collaboration in the event that the user has removed the Profile. Yet, it will be deleted after 6 years if there are no more requests.

Information concerning IP addresses, e-mail

Addresses (encrypted) and anonymous messages are stored for anti-fraud and anti-spam purposes for the entire period for which they are considered relevant.

I'm a minor. What information is collected by and App will never collect data on minors voluntarily. Access is indeed highly forbidden to those who have not yet turned 18 years old. In the event that the staff become aware of a Profile created by a minor, the Profile will be immediately deleted together with all the data present on concerning the user. In the event that a minor has created an account in clear violation of this clause, reserves the right to keep the e-mail and IP address to avoid future infractions as the creation of new Profiles.

With whom and App shares my data? and doesn’t share any data with third parties. aims to ensure that the community continues to be a pleasant as well as safe meeting environment, collaborating with the competent authorities to enforce intellectual property rights or any other rights. could also share with the services responsible of laws enforcing, as required by law, if we believe, in our total discretion, that it is necessary to share these data to protect the rights of, the rights of third parties and / or to comply with the requests of courts or tribunals or in the case of various types of legal proceedings.

User Rights

As part of the laws dictated by the United Kingdom and the EU, the user has the right to address any complaint to the authorities responsible for data protection. has its main offices in the United Kingdom and has designated the Information Commissioner Office (ICO) as its main regulator. More information on how to open a complaint to an ICO at If the user is in the EEA, it is also possible to contact the local Data Protection Regulator, which can act as an intermediary with the ICO.
As an EU citizen these are the rights dictated by the General Data Protection Regulation law:

  1. Right of information: what personal information are processed and why (with notice).
  2. Right of access: you can always request a copy of your data.
  3. Right of rectification: if the data were inaccurate, you have the right to request a data correction.
  4. Right to Erasure: in certain circumstances it will be possible to have your data deleted.
  5. Right of limitation: in certain circumstances, the user has the right to request that the processing of the data can be suspended, yet data must be maintained.
  6. Right of portability: you can request a copy of your data in a readable and transferable format to another supplier.
  7. Right of objection: in certain circumstances (including the eventuality in which the data processed on the basis of our legitimate interests and / or for marketing purposes) it will be possible to object to its processing.
  8. Rights in relation to automatic inclusion: under certain circumstances it will be possible to ensure that there is human intervention in the decision-making process.

For more information about the above, please contact the email:

How does and App protect my personal data? has implemented specific security measures to protect user's data and to prevent loss, misuse or alteration of the data provided to us, including personal data. technical experts are constantly working to ensure site safety.

Although highly endeavors to avoid any violation of the security of the site, database, and archives, no site or network protocol is 100% secure; therefore, we cannot fully guarantee that unauthorized accesses will never occur, or hackers’ attacks, data loss or other types of violations. strongly advises all users to keep their personal data safely (password included) and to always log out when leaving the site. In the event that the user loses his/her password, releases someone's access password, or if the online service provider suffered from a breach of their data and the user used the same login credentials for the service and for, personal data may be compromised. If this happens, please contact Customer Service immediately.

Where are my personal data stored? is an international site managed by servers located in several countries, including the Nederland. Users who agree to send their personal data to, to purchase services, or to use the applications available on the site, agree to transmit personal information and that these are processed and stored in these countries.

Our server infrastructure is located in an innovative and highly reliable data center located in the Netherlands. We ensure that all data are effectively protected. For more information, please contact

What other personal data does collect?

If the user contacts our Customer Service through the Contact section, we will learn about the e-mail address of the user, the IP address and the information sent to us to resolve the request. Any correspondence will be stored in our archives, including reports that users may send us regarding other subscribers (and vice versa) for 6 years after the deletion of a Profile.

Does use user's personal data for other purposes?

Personal data will be used to resolve disputes and problems, as well as to ensure compliance with our Terms of Use.

Last update of the privacy policy: November 11, 2021.